Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekly Update: June 7, 2010

Blogger was down yesterday, so I couldn't post anything. I at least tried. :P

Mario Paint Composer

So during last week, I managed to release two videos on YouTube. One was my latest Lyrical Composition: Meaningless. I also stopped being lazy and pulled a Mario Paint Composition out of nowhere. It was made mostly for fun, not for replication. Both of these'll be below.

The Buck Stops Here (TBSH)

I also stopped procrastinating and started to write the script for my review show. Like I said, Caddyshack II will be the first one, and since I'm getting ahead of myself, I also picked out a second movie to do.

Sadly, I do not know how to use Sony Vegas. I hope to learn it over the next week or two, but if it starts taking too long, the first episode might be edited with WMM, but hopefully not. :/

* * *

See you next Sunday!
Hopefully you enjoy!