Monday, June 28, 2010

Weekly Update: June 28, 2010

Mario Paint Composer

Very slow week in Mario Paint. There is one piece I'm almost done with (piano sf), so hopefully I can get it out sometime in July.

I will be deleting my Melancholy MIDI video on July 15, 2010. I have updated the MIDI; added a few things. I will also be uploading the MIDI of I'm Looking during the Fourth of July weekend.

The Buck Stops Here (TBSH)

Major. Procrastination.

Instead of trying to get a review done, I instead watched the four Pixar movies I hadn't seen (Cars, Ratatouille, Wall-E, and Up). I enjoyed them very much.


I started working on one of my stories again. Thanks to a computer error last July, I lost most of my work to my story. I've since managed to re-do all my hard work, improving it in many areas. The current update, Chapter 9, should be out sometime in July.

See you next Monday!
Hopefully you enjoy!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Weekly Update: June 21, 2010

Mario Paint Composer

I reached 1,000 subscribers on the 17th! Yay! ^_^

I have a few new pieces I'm working on. One is a full piano song (it's a theme from a very popular movie) and a song I used to listen to all the time when I was younger (O-Town's "Nothing at All"). Expect these sometime in July (hopefully :/)

Deathbed (in MIDI version) will be released tomorrow.

The Buck Stops Here (TBSH)

Still trying to get out of major procrastination. I might just wing it (script-wise) and see where it goes from there. Still have no idea how to use Vegas, but I managed to pick up Adobe After Effects. Hopefully that's easier to use.

* * *

See you next Monday!
Hopefully you enjoy!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekly Update: June 14, 2010

Might as well move weekly updates to Monday since I keep forgetting on Sundays. :/

Mario Paint Composer
My Grand Sub Special is nowhere close to complete (around 50%), and yet I'm eight subs away. So I'm disappointed that it'll probably be incomplete by the time I have to release it. ;-;
I also have a surprise video coming out tomorrow. Check for that.
The Buck Stops Here (TBSH)
God I hate writer's block. I think I have two minutes of stuff written out. Thank God I'm taking World Literature and Film, so maybe that class will help in some way.
* * *
See you next Monday!
Hopefully you enjoy!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekly Update: June 7, 2010

Blogger was down yesterday, so I couldn't post anything. I at least tried. :P

Mario Paint Composer

So during last week, I managed to release two videos on YouTube. One was my latest Lyrical Composition: Meaningless. I also stopped being lazy and pulled a Mario Paint Composition out of nowhere. It was made mostly for fun, not for replication. Both of these'll be below.

The Buck Stops Here (TBSH)

I also stopped procrastinating and started to write the script for my review show. Like I said, Caddyshack II will be the first one, and since I'm getting ahead of myself, I also picked out a second movie to do.

Sadly, I do not know how to use Sony Vegas. I hope to learn it over the next week or two, but if it starts taking too long, the first episode might be edited with WMM, but hopefully not. :/

* * *

See you next Sunday!
Hopefully you enjoy!